Thursday, July 17, 2014

How To Make More Money With Text Message Marketing On FACEBOOK NASDAQ:FB With "Frank Kern" And Andy Jenkins

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) is now offering to direct marketers has been offered to direct mail marketers for years.

To be honest it's a little creepy...even though they don't have the record of the transactions you have made their artificial intelligence software does and you can now find out buyers of products similar to yours.  This changes the landscape for direct marketers who previously only bought likes.  Likes are bologna to me.  Anyone can like something it's like getting people to opt in for something that's free--selling people makes you money, giving things away for free now requires some effort to monetize the prospect.  No matter what anyone tells you getting free leads to convert isn't easy. This is absolutely the same in text message and text message marketing.

This video is lengthy but beefy and worth the time to watch with Frank Kern and Andy Bailey.  I'm starting to think Frank Kern missed his calling as a stand up comedian.

                                                 written by "Brad Richdale"

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