Thursday, September 19, 2013

Text Message Marketing For NFL San Francisco 49ers Fans and Entrepreneurs, How To Create Irresistible Offers That Make People BUY!

One of the keys to closing a sale in direct response or text message marketing is in the construction of the offer.  You have to create an offer where people feel guilty if they don't buy.

Years ago I was at an infomercial convention and I was speaking to Jim Caldwell, a great producer and host (not the San Francisco 49ers Super Bowl coach Jim Harbaugh that coaches Colin Kaepernick nor the Jim Caldwell that coaches the Baltimore Ravens) and I told him how compelled I was at the construction of an offer he made in an infomercial.  I had no interest in his core product offer but the sheer number of bonuses he was including was so incredible I had to order.  Best of all the offer was "if you don't like the product send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, keep the free gifts even if you decide to send it back."  This type of strategy works wonders with text message marketing or with any type of direct response campaign.

Imagine if San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore Ravens season ticket holders got daily updates of their team through text message marketing it would build an even closer relationship with those fans without the competition of blasting through Ad Words, or email marketing. Those text message marketing messages could easily increase revenues to sell memorabilia and other NFL team related products to those season ticket holders.

Bonus gifts in a direct marketing are so compelling--constructing an offer that strikes you at the core of your being with unadulterated greed.  Greed developed through the offer causes the momentum to make your offer close to impossible to resist.  I also go into more detail on making offers that force people to buy at Brad Richdale Business.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

BREAKING NEWS FOR: Zach Braff On Keeping It Lose On Camera, Great Advice For Beginners Who Want To Shoot Great Video

I loved Garden State, Zach Braff's first film and I'm looking forward to his next film.

Here's a great piece that Zach shot with the folks at Wistia.

Perry Marhsall turned me on to Wisitia and the quality of video that they deliver is terrific and a great alternative to Vimeo, another high quality video platform.

You Tube delivers your video for free but the old adage you get what you pay for is applicable.  I'm a little surprised that You Tube doesn't offer a higher quality service.

                                                        written by Brad Richdale Author

This story also available at

Monday, September 2, 2013

Text Message Marketing for Entrepreneurs-Put Your Prospects In The Picture When You Direct Market or Sell

One of the most important things to do when you write any copy for direct response marketing, text message marketing, direct response, DRTV, or direct marketing is you must remember that when you are selling something that can positively impact your prospect's life you have to put them squarely in the picture.

For instance the two most powerful words I can think of are "imagine yourself" and then expand on the picture that your offer can deliver that makes the prospect salivate and drool uncontrollably.

Here's a great one for a company selling diet food via home delivery, "just imagine yourself fitting back into the old swim suit you wore in college, or before the kids, or before you got married, etc.

Remember painting a picture always delivers the imagination of the prospect and creates an emotional desire to avail themselves of your offer.  That's the best thing about text message marketing you can put them in the picture easier than programs like Ad Words, pay per click, or FACEBOOK because there's so little competition and easier, quicker access to your prospects and customers.

Story also available at

                                                 written by Brad Richdale Author