Monday, September 2, 2013

Text Message Marketing for Entrepreneurs-Put Your Prospects In The Picture When You Direct Market or Sell

One of the most important things to do when you write any copy for direct response marketing, text message marketing, direct response, DRTV, or direct marketing is you must remember that when you are selling something that can positively impact your prospect's life you have to put them squarely in the picture.

For instance the two most powerful words I can think of are "imagine yourself" and then expand on the picture that your offer can deliver that makes the prospect salivate and drool uncontrollably.

Here's a great one for a company selling diet food via home delivery, "just imagine yourself fitting back into the old swim suit you wore in college, or before the kids, or before you got married, etc.

Remember painting a picture always delivers the imagination of the prospect and creates an emotional desire to avail themselves of your offer.  That's the best thing about text message marketing you can put them in the picture easier than programs like Ad Words, pay per click, or FACEBOOK because there's so little competition and easier, quicker access to your prospects and customers.

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                                                 written by Brad Richdale Author