Friday, December 26, 2014

NEWS FOR FACEBOOK, CBS, NBC, FOX, OR ABC: How To Use Text Message Marketing to Instantly Super Charge Press Release Response!

It's not easy, but it's also not that hard to assemble the personal phone numbers of great media contacts. The type of contacts that can decide whether your story gets prime time local or national TV news coverage or not.

Here's a simple way to do it, come up with a postcard offer that you can use to send to major reporters and producers in any or of the Top 100 media markets and national broadcast outlets like Good Morning America, Today, CBS Good Morning, BBC, or even 60 Minutes.

Here's how you can do it, the list of media contacts and executive producers in the top 100 markets is available through either list rental or simply using a search engine to get their names and addresses. You can even get their hard line phone numbers, but this works better when you get their personal cell numbers.

Now come up with a postcard offer with an 800 number (the 800 number is critical to your success) that can't be ignored in order for this technique to work.

Simply create an offer that is irresistible. Tell them you are introducing a news service that is both local and national and the first person in each market that responds from their personal cell number will get the BREAKING stories (that they won't get from any other news service) before any other reporter or producer in their market.

With an 800 number you get their phone cell phone number when they respond and you can call back and thank them for responding. You can say the service is free, but you want the credit by putting up your .com URL for five seconds, now you are building value to your business model and you didn't pay for it.

Here's the beauty of this idea... it can be done for any industry contacts you want to make and because of the 800 phone number you get their phone numbers instantly.

Let's face it, getting people to read emails isn't easy, but how many times do you get text messages or experience text message marketing other than Redbox?

Text message and text message marketing are virgin territory and you can send the hyperlink to your story or get people to call you if the news needs further explanation or to schedule an interview!

I'm stunned how little this medium is being used and the possibilities are endless.  Imagine that the internet is a crowded highway and text message and text message marketing is A SIX LANE HIGHWAY BUT NO ONE DRIVES ON IT. YOU CAN DRIVE A HUNDRED MILES AN HOUR INSTEAD OF BEING STUCK IN BUMPER TO BUMPER TRAFFIC

Why fight the crowd on line and through GOOGLE Ad words and FACEBOOK when you don't have to?

                                           Written by Brad Richdale Author

Thursday, July 17, 2014

How To Make More Money With Text Message Marketing On FACEBOOK NASDAQ:FB With "Frank Kern" And Andy Jenkins

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) is now offering to direct marketers has been offered to direct mail marketers for years.

To be honest it's a little creepy...even though they don't have the record of the transactions you have made their artificial intelligence software does and you can now find out buyers of products similar to yours.  This changes the landscape for direct marketers who previously only bought likes.  Likes are bologna to me.  Anyone can like something it's like getting people to opt in for something that's free--selling people makes you money, giving things away for free now requires some effort to monetize the prospect.  No matter what anyone tells you getting free leads to convert isn't easy. This is absolutely the same in text message and text message marketing.

This video is lengthy but beefy and worth the time to watch with Frank Kern and Andy Bailey.  I'm starting to think Frank Kern missed his calling as a stand up comedian.

                                                 written by "Brad Richdale"

This also appears at

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Text Message Marketing In X Men Days Of Future Past by "Brad Richdale"

Redbox is the only innovator and user of text message marketing and text message marketing for films that I've seen, and I'm stunned.

Here's a summer blockbuster from the X Men franchise...if they had a data base they could do huge numbers from data base sales both in merchandise and also advance tickets sales. I'm just wondering how many searches they'll end up with on Google and FACEBOOK for the trailer, never mind the ticket sales.

                                                written by Brad Richdale

This also appears at

Monday, June 23, 2014

How To Develop A Text Message And Text Message Marketing Business by "Brad Richdale"

Here's another video on how to develop a text message and text message marketing business.  The video is at my YOU TUBE channel. This video also appears at

                                               written by "Brad Richdale"

Further commentary at

Added discussion and reviews with ratings at

Video On How To Use Text Message and Text Message Marketing Effectively For All Entrepreneurs

Here's a video on my YOU TUBE CHANNEL with the basics of using effective text message and text message marketing in business. This also can be found at

                                             written  by Brad Richdale

This story is also available at,+Direct+Marketing+Expert+Brad+Richdale...-a019582605