Sunday, August 25, 2013

NEWS FOR JOE POLISH AND FRANK KERN: Mastering Text Message Marketing With One Step and Two Step Offers by "Brad Richdale"

Using Direct Marketing terminology there are only two types of offers, a hard offer and a soft offer. What’s the difference? That’s simple, one asks for money to be paid now whereas the other asks for a qualified inquiry which will then be followed up by a telemarketer or in person sales appointment where the salesperson will ask for payment on one or subsequent calls depending on the type of ad.

Let me go over the type of offers you will see on hard offers (one step offers). Let me take my own experience in selling millions of books and tapes globally with a price point of just under $50.  There was a crescendo effect during the process of asking for the order via video (this is called a “push”) where the spokesperson, in my case, me asked for the person to make a call and have their credit card in hand to order the offer.

Now let’s take the alternative where all that is sought is a qualified inquiry.  I’ll give you a great example that you should easily comprehend if you are in North America, the Select Comfort offer for more information which is FREE if you call in response to the TV advertisement. Once you call your phone number is recorded along with your address.

Once the response is logged you will be sent a DVD with a nice brochure to help take you from a prospect to a customer.  The ultimate goal in the “soft offer” or a “two step” offer is to get you to call in and order the Select Comfort bed over the phone or get you to walk into a Select Comfort showroom (usually located in shopping malls) and order without any additional salesmanship.

Of course as I always recommend that Select Comfort and any digital marketers use text message marketing to increase their results during the one step and two step phase of the sales process.

Of course there is a second group that is inherent to the prospect class of the “soft offer” or “two step” offer, that’s the prospect that needs to be asked to buy (in this case via telephone along with preceding the call with text message marketing and an 800 number to get urgent inbound calls to your call center).

Only testing will tell you what the mix is between those that are sent information and call or walk in to a showroom to buy and those that need a push to purchase over the phone or through a walk in to a showroom. 

It’s not uncommon to combine a “hard offer-one step” with a “soft offer-two step”.  For instance you might be selling an initial starter product and then direct mailing, e-mailing, or outbound telemarketing a subsequent sales offer to increase the gross profit from the customer

Testing is the element that determines the approach best to take.  Hard offers and soft offers are in front of you ever day, it’s up to you to decipher the two and then study and model them to create the approach that ethically creates a profit for your business. This story is also found at Brad Richdale Wikipedia.

Further commentary and reviews at 


                                                 written by "Brad Richdale" Author

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Text Message Marketing Tips-The Key To Closing Sales Live In Front of a Canon Camera

In a recent interview I was asked what are the keys to closing the sale using video.  My answer is simple you have to direct the prospect into specific actions.

Imagine holding their hand just like a child and then walking them through the process step by step.  Few people do this and it's where everything you have developed in your offer and sales process comes together or not.     

Remember people need to be lead urgently, ethically and step by step. This is incredibly important in any DRTV, direct response or text message marketing offer.

Always use this magic verbage, "it's easy to get started with (your offer) all you have to do is (how to order with your better than risk free guarantee).

Of course for so many Entrepreneurs I recommend the Canon Camera and their lens because of the affordability, quality and options you can choose to make Hollywood film like infomercials, commercials and on line videos about your business. Plus the Canon Cameras are so easy to use.

As a matter of fact there is a long list of films like Iron Man 2, The Avengers, and Iron Man 3 that have used the Canon Cameras to produce great footage.

                                                     written by Brad Richdale  Author

This story is also available at



Carl Icahn And His Entrepreneurial Midas Touch In Business

Carl Icahn has wisdom, experience and money in his corner.  Despite the two separate poison pills adopted by Oshkosh (OSK) and Netflix (NFLX) I still wouldn't bet against Carl Icahn.

                                              written by  Brad Richdale Author

Further commentary and reviews relative to this story at,+Direct+Marketing+Expert+Brad+Richdale...-a019582605